Below we have gathered answers to frequently asked questions, both general and specific for the international trainee programme, 暑期专题及论文合作.
Answers to general questions about careers in Statkraft, such as how our application and recruitment process works.
All open positions in Statkraft are announced on our website. If you find anything of interest, we ask that you apply directly. To ensure that each candidate is given a comprehensive and fair assessment, we only accept applications uploaded via our online application form.
The recruitment process in Statkraft is straight forward, transparent and fair. We advertise our vacancies and in our social media channels.
All applications, CVs and necessary certificates must be submitted online. 请注意,附件应使用与招聘广告相同的语言.
Once you submit your application, the following will happen:
- 一旦Statkraft收到您的申请,您将收到一封确认您申请的电子邮件.
- A recruiter will handle your application once the application deadline has passed.
- If you are a suitable candidate, you will be invited to a first interview. 在选择过程完成之前,可能会有几轮面试. 面试还可能包括心理测试、职业人格测试和/或案例. 面试期间, Statkraft想了解你, 但同样重要的是,你要有机会了解Statkraft是否适合你.
- The selected candidate will receive an offer from us, and the remaining candidates will be notified that the position has been filled.
Statkraft offers internships based on internal demand. All internships in Statkraft are announced on our website. If you find anything of interest, please apply directly via the advertisement.
Statkraft also offers a summer project for students. 夏季项目为期8周,通常从每年的6月中旬到8月中旬. 所有2年级的学生nd to 5th year can apply for the summer project, 十大靠谱网赌通常会雇佣6-8名候选人.
Statkraft offers part-time jobs for students based on internal demand. All part-time jobs in Statkraft are announced on our website. If you find anything of interest, please apply directly via the advertisement.
挪威政府的工作语言是英语,所以不会说挪威语不是硬性要求. 然而, certain positions may require proficiency in Norwegian or other languages, but this will be stated clearly in the job advertisement.
Answers to specific questions about Statkraft's international trainee programme.
The trainee positions are announced around September/October each year. All the trainee positions will be published on our website.
The general requirements for applying to the trainee programme:
- 你有硕士学位,成绩不错
- You are a positive team player who enjoys collaborating with others
- 你正在寻找一个陡峭的学习曲线
- 你很热情, take joy in your work and want to be part of the further development of Statkraft
- 你在任务和机动性方面很灵活
- 该项目是一个为期16个月的学习和发展项目,专为应届毕业生和工作经验有限的年轻专业人士量身定制. 目标是培养Statkraft未来的领导者和专家,同时让他们对Statkraft的组织和运营有深入的了解.
- 十大靠谱网赌为期16个月的课程包括三种不同的工作轮岗,其中至少一种将在国外进行
- 该计划是根据学员的背景和单位的能力需求量身定制的
- 十大靠谱网赌将定期举办培训课程和联合会议,让学员小组开会
Statkraft usually hires between 10-15 trainees each year. 根据Statkraft不同业务领域的需求,培训生职位每年都有所不同.
The deadline for applying depends on when the trainee positions are posted. 然而, 招聘广告中总是会明确规定截止日期,通常是在10月份. The trainee programme usually starts on September 1st. 在与相关部门/联系人达成协议后,可以提前开始该项目.
是的, you can apply to several positions that are relevant for you.
是的, the trainees are permanently employed in specific positions, 在完成16个月的培训期后,他们将继续在哪里工作.
由于Statkraft的工作语言是英语,所以不会说挪威语并不是硬性要求. 然而, certain positions may require proficiency in Norwegian or other languages, but this will be stated clearly in the job advertisement.
培训生项目包括三次轮岗, where we highly recommend having at least one job rotation abroad.
Answers to specific questions about Statkraft's summer project positions.
The summer project is announced in the spring each year, usually around March. The summer project positions will be published on our website.
所有2年级的学生nd to 5th 一年的学习可以申请暑期项目.
这个暑期项目是由国家统计局每年举办的一项倡议,包括来自不同学术和文化背景的候选人. 候选人将作为一个团队就与Statkraft相关和重要的主题进行密切合作.
Statkraft usually hires 6-8 candidates for the summer project each year.
The summer project period runs over 8 weeks, usually from mid-June to mid-August.
The placement for the summer project depends on the project. Examples of previous placements; Oslo, New Delhi and Düsseldorf.
As an international company, Statkraft’s work language is English. 十大靠谱网赌从世界各地的大学招收暑期学生,所以挪威语不是必需的.
Several students have written their master’s thesis in collaboration with us, 十大靠谱网赌总是欢迎伟大的想法. If you are interested in doing so, we advise you to contact post@paranormalcy.net. and provide an executive summary with detailed information about your topic, 你希望与Statkraft合作的领域, 以及你工作的时间框架.
请注意,由于大量的请求, 十大靠谱网赌不可能总是回应每一个请求并找到合适的顾问.
Statkraft正在经历个人和组织将十大靠谱网赌公司和您作为目标的情况, 十大靠谱网赌未来的员工, 招聘欺诈.
请注意,无论是Statkraft还是代表十大靠谱网赌招聘的任何组织都不会在招聘过程的任何时候向申请人索要任何费用. 所有被国家统计局录用的个人都必须经过正式的招聘程序.
还要注意,如果你收到任何自称是Statkraft员工的人的电子邮件, 地址总是以@statkraft结尾.Com或相关国家域名.
LinkedIn是一个重要的全球专业网络,也是未来招聘的优先渠道. We strongly recommend that you only connect with people that you trust.
There are a number of things you need to watch out for. Fraudulent recruitment activities often include the following:
- 要求申请人提供资金(如.g. for ‘visa fees’, taxes, a percentage of travel expenses)
- Offering unrealistic compensation and benefits packages
- 在流程的早期阶段要求提供护照和银行账户等个人信息
- 从Yahoo, Gmail, Hotmail或Live等免费的基于web的电子邮件帐户发送电子邮件.com
- 在通话过程中隐藏来电显示
- 坚持紧迫性
- Issuing offers of employment in international locations on non-local conditions
- 使用格式不佳的文档
If you suspect a recruitment fraud, what should you do?
If you ever have doubts regarding the legitimacy of an email, 信, website or any other information relating to Statkraft, 请将您的担忧或问题发邮件至 spam@paranormalcy.net. 包括联系方式,以便十大靠谱网赌在必要时与您直接沟通,并遵循以下程序以避免丢失任何重要信息:
Please inform us where you originally registered your resumé or application. 另外,为了你自己的安全, 你应该直接向你投简历的公司提出这个问题,因为他们可能也需要采取行动.
保留原始邮件-请不要更改您收到的电子邮件的原始主题行或以任何方式编辑邮件内容. 将原始信息保存30天,以便在需要时协助进一步调查.
如果你被骗向某组织或个人汇款,或向未经授权的来源发送护照或其他敏感信息, 十大靠谱网赌建议您与当地警察局联系.
If you suspect a fraudulent job is posted on LinkedIn, please report it to LinkedIn’s enterprise service team directly at lcshelp@linkedin.com
We thank you in advance for taking the time to inform us. 非常感谢.